Thursday, December 15, 2016

Finals Fall 2016

Class Evaluation

Things I like about this class is that Mr. Haymore gives us lectures when to choose the right. 

Things I do not like about this class is that we do student success statements every day. 

What I would recommend is to show us how to type with all fingers and giving us more time to practice our typing tutor. 

The highlight for this class is always remembering to always choose the right when I am not in the classroom. 

Yes, I did do my best in this class to maintain an A in this class. I always stayed on top of my work and finishing my student success statements of the day. When I do my research I always reword it and I don not plagiarize.

No, I don't read my life planning goals journal because I have work for other classes that are important too. But, I do read it when I don't have that much homework assignments to do. 

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 Yes, I am committed to being a CTR person. And I have seen my personality change a bit ever since I was put in this class.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


In the video we saw a class taking a test and one of them asked another girl and she thought of it and in her mind, she had a story about when medical students in the honor system cheated on a test the professor walked out of the room and everyone started to pull out answers to the test. He stood up and said "I put my family into a room and I worked hard to get into medical school. If one of you decides to cheat I will turn you in." And then everybody started to put their answers away. And the girl in school said no and shook her head.
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"When you tell one lie, it leads to another" 

Everybody lies there is nobody that has never lied ever before in their life before. When to tell one lie you cover up that lie with another lie. And you will keep on lying until you confess your lie. For example there was a kid and he always lied to his mother and about doing homework. His mother always believed in him but there was a day where he was at a parent conference with his mother and the teacher said that he doesn't turn in no assignments what so ever. And he lied about that ghe told his mother that the teacher doesn't like him. And until one day that he decided to tell the truth that he doesn't do any homework because everytime she asks him if he did his homework he says that there was no homework until he decided to tell the truth that he doesn't do his homework. If he wasn't going to tell the truth then that no lie wasn't going to happen.
Image result for don't tell a lie

Friday, December 9, 2016

The Sting of the Scorpion

One morning he was at the camp in a desert and his parents always told him to put on shoes when he left the campsite and decided sandals where a type of shoes. As he was walking down the desert he felt pain a sting if his foot and the pain went slowly to his leg. And he screamed for help. His parent came and took him to the nearest hospital which was two hours away. And when he got to the doctors he told him that it is important to wear sandla in the desert because you never know what will happen to you. If he wouldn't have choose the wrong then that wouldn't of have happen to him.
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Always do Right!

"Always do right" ~ Mark Twain

It is always important to do the right thing no matter what. There was a boy that always got bullied because he was smart. They always called him a nerd because of his intelligence he da. Then one day he got tired and fought back he punched the boys that were bullying him. What he should have done is go to and adult and let them know. He was not the only one that did bad because the boys that bullied him were the ones who started all the mess. If it wasn't for them he would have not done such a thing as that. So, always do what's right and don't complain because later you will feel good about it.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

"It's better to be alone than to be in bad company" ~ Unknown 

When you're alone you can avoid getting yourself into trouble. For example you're in the library by yourself and your friends aren't with you but they are a bad influence. Versus you with your friends which are a bad influence and get you into trouble. What you should is is to be with by yourself and avoid the trouble around you. Being alone you can study for any test or what you don't understand in school. And being with your bad friends you would be taking a risk of doing drug of doing other unnecessary behavior. 
Image result for being alone studying

"World War II"

September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945

  1. What countries fought in World War II?
  2. Where did World War II concur?
  3. Events that happened in World War II

1. World war II was fought between 2 groups of countries. On one side was the axis powers including Germany, Italy, and Japan. On the other side were the allies which included Britain, France,Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Indiana, and the soviet Unit, China, and the United States of america.2. Russia, Europe, Africa, Pacific Ocean, Asia, Middle East, Mediterranean Sea, Scandinavia, Eurasia, South East Asia, and the  Atlantic Ocean.

3.  September 3, 1939 Invasions of Poland marks begin,  July 1, 1940 Battle of Britain,  December 7, 1941 Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor and FDR declares war.


What we can do honor our Veterans is having a minute of silence to honor the dead and alive veterans that served in World War II. 

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Monday, December 5, 2016

Challenges Teens Face Today

What are challenges teens face today?
  • Depression - Every teenager will be sad at one point and will be sad
  • Bullying - A lot of teens start getting bullied
  • Sexual Activity - Many teens are diagnosed with Aids of HIV
  • Drug Use - At this age most teens use some form of drugs
  • Alcohol - Use 39% of teens drink some form of alcohol 
  • Obesity- At this age most teens begin to gain weight
  • Academic Problems - Most teens have trouble focusing in school
  • Social Media - There is always Cyberbullying on social media
A major challenge for me is having trouble concentrating in school, my phone distracts me a lot. I, sometimes turn off my phone for almost a whole day so I can concentrate in school work.

 Being a Ctr person helps because it makes you feel good about yourself and you have self-esteem. There a lots of ways to help other teens by complementing how they look. And suggest what they should do to solve their problems.
The greatest need that teens have today is having your parents listen to you and suggest what you should do next. They also have hotlines to call when you need help on something or you can go and see a therapist for help. 
Image result for challenges teens face

Thursday, December 1, 2016

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basics of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when they body is healthy and strong." ~President John F. Kennedy

 Meaning it's important to have a good health. Why, because if you don't have a good health then you will not be active that much for being lazy. Also, not being healthy can cause to different diseases. Without having a healthy diet you won't be able to think well. Without thinking well then you have no intelligence. Without intelligence then the world has lost one intelligent person. And not only can do you have to eat healthy and exercise daily. But, when someone offers you drugs or alcohol say no, no matter what type of drug use. Learn when to say no and if other friends offer you to go exercise then say yes and choose the right answer to go with. Every time they ask you to do drugs think in your mind, "Do I want to die from lung cancer?".

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Health Sciences Librarian
Duties And Responsibilities: Medical Librarians are an integral part of the health team. They have direct contact in patient care by helping physicians, and health professionals, and researchers to stay abreast of new developments in their specialty areas.
Salary: About $58,000 a year
Education: 4 year bachelor's degree
Demand: 3-9 percent in the next decade

Reflection: I would not want to become a medical librarian because, I am not into books I am more of a person that likes taking lead in tasks. And health science librarians don’t take the lead of the tasks they are assigned to do.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Kindness is the essence of greatness."

Kindness is what makes up of a great human. Be kind and people will think great of you they won't think of you as a horrible person. Be obedient when people ask you to do something. For example, if you are the kind of person who is always being rude to others then you going to want to change your personality into being nice. And if you are nice then you are choosing the right. 
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Thanksgiving Week

It was a great week with joy, laughter, and families gathered. I spended my week doing projects and essays and finished by wednesday. And on thursday and Friday I had already finished with my projects. On thursday I celebrated it with my family by watching movies such as elf and home alone. Later that evening we waited for the turkey to be cooked and we ate dinner and we gave thanks. After we ate dinner we headed out to black friday at the mall and we bought lots of clothing and electronics. A CTR experience was when an elder wanted to get a television and I got the last one so instead I gave up the television and gave it to him. A book I read was Night and it was about the holocaust. I met family members that live in San Francisco and we spend the thanksgiving with them. On Friday we got some rest and later head to the mall again to go and see if there are better deals than last night.
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Friday, November 18, 2016

“Manner maketh man”

                                 ~ William Wykeham

There was this man that everyone loved. Because of the manners he had. When someone needed help he was always there. But, there was always that one negative person that goes against him which resulted to be his older brother. When he ate dinner at the table he always had manners. But his other brother didn't he was always rude and sometimes he decides to eat alone at the table. And when he goes to school he is always helpful. Especially on the first day of school he helps new students find their classes. But his older brother did not have any type of manners he was always rude to everyone. Therefore no one liked him. But one day he was having such a good day that he decided to have manners and everyone was shocked. So, every since he started to have manners he just went with it and he was just as good as the other brother.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

 “If it is not right, do not do it; if it’s not true don’t say it”

Image result for choose the rightNever do the wrong thing because when you do then no one would trust you no more. If your heart tells you it's not right then why even bother to do it. And if you hear rumors about someone or something then don’t be a part of the problem. For example, there’s a lady that can’t reach for a box of cereal you don’t just laugh at her because it would be the wrong thing to do. But the right thing to do is to help her get what she needs. Another example is there is a kid that can not talk english correctly and you hear others talking about him you don’t just stand there looking at them bulling him but you stand up for him. And those who do bully him then they are not doing the right thing.


Every 4 Thursday in November, celebrated in Canada and the united states of america. Americans gather for a day of giving thanks and feasting. Everyone celebrates it differently based on religion. It is important to Americans because it celebrates the time when the pilgrims shared food and kindness with the native Americans rather than fighting. The first thanksgiving ever hosted was in the year 1621. The holiday thanksgiving was not a national holiday till the 19th century. My family and I always celebrate thanksgiving and we are thankful for so many things. First and foremost and thankful for me being health, having a free education, my friends, family.I am also thankful for all the materials I have, for the meals my parents provide for me. I am thankful for the house I live in also.

Monday, November 14, 2016

                                       Move Forward

  • Stop walkouts
  • Knowing most important problems at the moment
  • Speak up at the moment and think about what we care about
  • Have schools provide better opportunities the will educate on elections and governing
  • Make petitions
  • Forget about it
  • Change the system
  • Vote
  • Get involved in politics
  • To be optimistic
  • Move to Canada
  • Forget and forgive
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Make better choices
  • Plan your choices
  • Voice your opinion  
  • Be more confident
  • Accept the fact that he is president
  • Stop giving huge reactions
  • Stop giving the attention he wants
  • Voice your thoughts in a positive way
  • Help/support each other in a positive way
  • Help your community
  • Accept the outcomes
  • Make people feel safe
  • Equality for everyone
  • Not rely on social media for information
  • Respect people's beliefs and opinion
  • Make smart decisions
  • Choose the right

"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or loosing." ~ Chick Mooran

Image result for chick moormanThis statement is very true because if you play fair then you would win fair because you are going by the rules. For example, if you at a golfing game and your opponent is cheating and you are following the rules then you shouldn't feel bad because you played by the rules. But, you shouldn't feel sad because if the people that are watching the game sees that he was cheating then you automatically win. Because you choose the right and did not cheat. Just because the guy cheated doesn't mean you have to cheat also. The key is that you are more competitive by following the rules. And people honor you for being honest and playing fair. And who knows they might have a reward for the person who follows the rules.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Veterans Day,

Veterans is a national holiday celebrated in the United States of America. Veterans day is a day celebrated for the end of World War 1. Honer the U.S. veterans and victims of all wars.  Veterans day is celebrated each year on November 11. It is important to show honor to our veterans because it is a way to show acknowledging the sacrifices the did to serve our country. Without their help most Americans wouldn't have the freedom they have right now. Some ways that we can show honer to our veterans is to save a prayer to the ones serving now, write in a journal how thankful you are for having veterans serving, and volunteer to help a veterans service organization. The purpose of Veterans day is to celebrate and be thankful for their service. And also attend veterans day parades. Also, watch a patriotic movie with family members or even invite some friends over and host a party celebrating our veterans. I am very thankful for the veterans because if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here right now. And thanks to them everybody has freedom rights.
Image result for veterans day

Monday, November 7, 2016

  1. Have the courage to say no.
  2. Have the courage to face the truth.
  3. Do the right thing because it is the right thing.

These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity." ~ W. Clement Stone

Image result for w clement stoneThis statement is pretty easy to understand because it tells us how to live life in a peaceful way. First off by having the courage to say no. For example when someone offers your a cigarette say no. Secondly, always tell the truth no matter what. Suffer the consequences and think again before doing something bad. For example if you do something bad you won't think about the future and you won't think twice but then when you get caught then you will have to go though the consequences. And last but not least do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed" 

Image result for bad kidsImage result for friends studyingThis quote is trying to tell us that we choose who we want to be. Either we want to be with the people who are the ones who are good play sports. Or the ones who always choose the wrong by staying up passed their curfew. For example, if you hang out with your so called friends and you fail each class or do something bad then they will not back you up because they do not want to get in trouble. And if you don't like that then hangout with the good people. The good people who study with others who play sports and who absolutely don't judge others or bully no one. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

"The best recreation is to do good." ~ William Penn

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This quote is trying us that recreation is not only an activity but it is recreating yourself. Recreating our soul. But, the best way to recreate yourself is by choosing the right. For example if you come home tired or exhausted from work or school. That means that you recreated yourself. Or you can recreate yourself by doing what you love.

Friday, October 28, 2016

"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is  wrong is wrong, even if everyone is against it"~William Penn

Image result for always choose the right thingYou must wonder how do do we know when to choose the right and when not to choose the wrong. If you are ever stuck in a moment when everyone. We all have been in  a situation where we want to go with everyone decision's because, we don't want to stick out. We don't want people to think that we are lame. For example, if  you are in  situation where everyone is using drugs and you have never done drugs you will choose the wrong because you don;t want to stick out  therefore you choose the wrong. And we are not suppose to choose the wrong the right thing to do is to take a stand and walk away from the premises. It does not matter if you choose the right because it us for your own good benefit. If, you would have chosen the wrong then you would have been in trouble. So, always choose the right! And do what is the best and follow what you heart says.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"Don't sacrifice what you want more for what you want now. Write down what you want the most and see it often." ~ Peter Vidmar 

Image result for peter vidmarIf you want something in life then work for it. You should also write them down in a book and try to accomplish your goal. You need to give up on things that you don't need and go for the goals you do need. For example, if you want to have straight A's but then you also like using your phone and watching television then I suggest that you give up on the using your phone and television. Therefore you should focus on the thing you really want which is having straight A's, you will have more time to study and accomplish your goal. Or if you want to be on a team ad your are still in school and you have tons of homework assignments due the next day then you will need to find a way to balance your schedule and make it work out.
What is homecoming?
Homecoming is a time to celebrate the school
you are attending. And after you have graduated, it’s time to go back to your town and your campus, see old friends, and reminisce about your school says. Homecoming usually centers around a football game but , some schools have been known to have homecoming basketball, soccer or even hockey games. It is an annual tradition for american high schools. The football game is the main homecoming attraction, because the current students and alumni can attend. There is generally a huge crowd and lots of energy, so the pressure is on the home  team to win. Some schools hold elections for homecoming king and queen with an accompanying Homecoming princess and princesses. High school etiquette, homecoming which takes place every fall it is a very important high school event. Most homecoming dances are semi-formal, although each school will will specify its own dress code. I myself will not assist at the homecoming game and homecoming dance because I believe that if I don't go it will not affect my life. Also I have important things to do for example, I have projects due by next month and I also have tons of homework assignments. But, maybe in the future I will give it a try on going.

Monday, October 24, 2016

"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life"

Image result for have a good nameThis quote is telling is you can be the best person in the world, the best athlete, being the coolest person, but having a better name than everybody is better. You can achieve this by having manner, not being the person who everybody thinks bad about. Be the person who chooses the right not the person who chooses the wrong and others will think of you that way. In school you can show your teachers that you have a better name by bringing all your materials to school completing all your classwork assignments. Also, by getting a perfect grade on a test by studying. You can prove your friends by not being selfish and by asking them how their day was and actually listening to their stories.
Global careers

United Kingdom

Image result for globalResearch technician: Yes, they record finding in field or lab.

Bioinformatics Software Engineer: they create computer software that analyses huge amounts of data on genetics.
Senior MRI Research radiographer: They perform MRI tests to patients

Reflection: I would want to pursue those careers because they are involved in the medical field and that calls my attention.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches" 

Image result for choose the rightThis statement means that if you choose the right everyone will remember you by the way you act if you choose to be a CTR person then people will love who by who you are. And if you choose to do the wrong then you will be remembered by that person who always chooses the wrong. By great riches they mean that money is not important but what is is you.
Health Educator

Duties and responsibilities: Health educators help people find health programs and issues. They prepare educational materials and programs. They teach about promoting wellness, they develop strategies to improve the health of others.

Salary: $41,830
Education: A bachelor's degree in health education and public health education or health promotion.
Demand for this profession: 21%, number of jobs: 99,400
Reflection: I would want to become a health educator because it is a good start to becoming a Medical Assistant. Also it is in the medical field which calls my attention and i would have experience about medical topics.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Healthcare Administer
Image result for healthcare administrationDuties and responsibilities: Administer duties vary by job title and type of faculty. Some are responsible for a specific department, such as nursing or surgery, in a hospital, or larger health care faculty.

Salary: Median Pay (hourly) $42.59 USD

Education: Bachelors or masters degree in Public Health or nursing, hospital, or business administration.

Demand: Projecting 23% to growth through 2022

Reflection: I would not want to become a Health Care administer because it is hard to be manager. Being a manager is very tough because you have to make sure your people goes to work everyday make sure they are on task completing what they need to do and you get very stressed out and I will not want that to be me in the future.

Friday, October 14, 2016

"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have moral courage to be a light for others to follow." ~ Thomas S. Monson 

Image result for thomas s monsonPeople if you ever go to a party and then offer you drugs or alcohol say no! Because you will choose the wrong and there will be consequences. Standing alone is better than choosing the wrong because   you will not get consequences. Therefore you are choosing the right instead of being a ctw person. And then when they get in trouble from their actions you don't because you choose the right. 

Medical assistant

Image result for medical assistantDuties and Responsibilities: They take medical histories and record vital signs of patients. Medical assistants complete administrative and clinical tasks in the offices of physicians, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities. Their duties vary with their location, specialty, and size of the practice.

Salary: $33, 850 per year and go up to $50,900

Education: Associate's degree, diploma, or certificate in medical assistance.

Demand: 31% to grow much faster than average.

Reflection: I would want to become a MA because my dream is to graduate from the medical field. And a registered nurse is almost the same as a medical assistant just not poking people with needles.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of themselves."  Noemi Trigueros 

Image result for CTR CHAMPION
This quote means that being a champion is excellent but their are many different types of champions out there especially sport champions. But most importantly the CTR champion, someone who always chooses the right someone who is loyal. And someone who is a competitor who perseveres and does not give up and keeps trying  no matter what. A hard-worker a person who works together. But last but not least someone who works together as a team who can work with anyone. And matters most is that they are making a great out of themselves. 
Environmental Health Specialists

Duties and Responsibilities: Someone who inspects environmental health systems to make sure they are in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. These regulations are set up by the government to help keep citizens safe and healthy. Their responsibilities are reviewing permits.

Salary: $31,359 for public health specialists

Education: Bachelor's degree in occupational health or comparable scientific discipline.

Demand: 11% faster than average 2014-24

Reflection: I would not want to become a environmental health specialists. Yes, I know that they help others stay healthy. But, it is just not my interest I want to go into the medical field or become a lawyer instead of becoming an environmental health specialist.

Friday, October 7, 2016

"Goal setting is goal getting. Set and get" ~ Mark Victor Hansen 

Image result for mark victor hansenThis quote means that if you set a goal you get a goal for example authors they set a goal such as selling over hundreds of copies of their books. They would do that by setting their goal and working hard for their goal and in return they get their goal achieved. Students set their goals in getting a high G.P.A . And in order to do that they will have to study and go to tutoring when they do not understand something. My goal is to complete all of my classwork , homework, and missing assignments that i haven't returned to get graded I would accomplish my goal by starting to clean out my binder and look if I have any missing assignments. And if I do then I would finish what I did not complete and turn it in. 
Christopher Columbus
Image result for christopher columbusChristopher Columbus was the founder of america. He was born before October 31 of 1451 and died on May 20 of 1506. He was an Italian explorer. He made four trips across the Atlantic ocean from Spain in 1492,1493, 1498, and 1502. His mission was to find a direct water route west from Europe to Asia but never did. Instead he accidentally stumbled across the americas. Though he did not really discover the new world millions of people had already lived there, therefore his journeys marked the beginnings of centuries of Atlantic conquest and colonization.
Reflection: I believe that Christopher Columbus did not discover America. He landed on America because there was already people living in America. But thanks to him more people started to come to america and that is when America started forming and making history.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block." 

Image result for pyramid life goalsThis quote means that you need to set goals in life and accomplish them. For example, you will have to obey to accomplish your goal. If you do not accomplish your goal then you will go down and not accomplish your goal. Some situations are not to drink alcohol and not do do drugs some people fail their goal and go stumbling down your pyramid. And others that accomplish their goal they go closer and closer reaching their goals.

Duties and responsibilities: They perform physical exams and health histories. Provide health promotion , counseling, and education. Administer medications, wound care, and numerous of other personalized inventions. They also interpret the patient information and make critical decisions about actions needed.

Salary: A registered nurse can earn on average of $33.23 per hour and can anually earn about $69,110

Education: Associate's degree

Demand for this profession: 19% more

Reflection: My goal is to become a nurse. I have always wanted to become one since I was in 6th grade. I would also like to become a nurse because nurses save lives therefore I would want to save a live.

"You will go far with CTR." -Mr. Haymore This statement means that with ctr you are guaranteed to go far. If you choose to be ...