"You can't do do wrong and feel right. It's impossible."~ Ezra T. Benson
What this quote means is trying to tell us is can can't feel right in our self's when we choose the right we always feel bad in the inside. For example when there is a hot stove or a fire and we are near it therefore, we can't tough it because it is the wrong thing to do. And if we do touch it therm we would suffer the consequences which is getting burned. Then we would feel wrong you wouldn't feel right you would be saying to yourself " Why did I have to touch the stove or fire I knew it was the wrong thing to do?" Or sometimes we choose not to go to work of school we would miss a test or we would miss a pay day at work. Why? Because we choose to and if we were to do the opposite then we wouldn't have to do that. That's why we always have to do the right, this quote will always be right even though we are 100 years old it will always be right.
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