Thursday, December 15, 2016

Finals Fall 2016

Class Evaluation

Things I like about this class is that Mr. Haymore gives us lectures when to choose the right. 

Things I do not like about this class is that we do student success statements every day. 

What I would recommend is to show us how to type with all fingers and giving us more time to practice our typing tutor. 

The highlight for this class is always remembering to always choose the right when I am not in the classroom. 

Yes, I did do my best in this class to maintain an A in this class. I always stayed on top of my work and finishing my student success statements of the day. When I do my research I always reword it and I don not plagiarize.

No, I don't read my life planning goals journal because I have work for other classes that are important too. But, I do read it when I don't have that much homework assignments to do. 

Image result for class evaluation
 Yes, I am committed to being a CTR person. And I have seen my personality change a bit ever since I was put in this class.

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"You will go far with CTR." -Mr. Haymore This statement means that with ctr you are guaranteed to go far. If you choose to be ...