Thursday, December 15, 2016

Finals Fall 2016

Class Evaluation

Things I like about this class is that Mr. Haymore gives us lectures when to choose the right. 

Things I do not like about this class is that we do student success statements every day. 

What I would recommend is to show us how to type with all fingers and giving us more time to practice our typing tutor. 

The highlight for this class is always remembering to always choose the right when I am not in the classroom. 

Yes, I did do my best in this class to maintain an A in this class. I always stayed on top of my work and finishing my student success statements of the day. When I do my research I always reword it and I don not plagiarize.

No, I don't read my life planning goals journal because I have work for other classes that are important too. But, I do read it when I don't have that much homework assignments to do. 

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 Yes, I am committed to being a CTR person. And I have seen my personality change a bit ever since I was put in this class.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


In the video we saw a class taking a test and one of them asked another girl and she thought of it and in her mind, she had a story about when medical students in the honor system cheated on a test the professor walked out of the room and everyone started to pull out answers to the test. He stood up and said "I put my family into a room and I worked hard to get into medical school. If one of you decides to cheat I will turn you in." And then everybody started to put their answers away. And the girl in school said no and shook her head.
Image result for cheating on a test

"When you tell one lie, it leads to another" 

Everybody lies there is nobody that has never lied ever before in their life before. When to tell one lie you cover up that lie with another lie. And you will keep on lying until you confess your lie. For example there was a kid and he always lied to his mother and about doing homework. His mother always believed in him but there was a day where he was at a parent conference with his mother and the teacher said that he doesn't turn in no assignments what so ever. And he lied about that ghe told his mother that the teacher doesn't like him. And until one day that he decided to tell the truth that he doesn't do any homework because everytime she asks him if he did his homework he says that there was no homework until he decided to tell the truth that he doesn't do his homework. If he wasn't going to tell the truth then that no lie wasn't going to happen.
Image result for don't tell a lie

Friday, December 9, 2016

The Sting of the Scorpion

One morning he was at the camp in a desert and his parents always told him to put on shoes when he left the campsite and decided sandals where a type of shoes. As he was walking down the desert he felt pain a sting if his foot and the pain went slowly to his leg. And he screamed for help. His parent came and took him to the nearest hospital which was two hours away. And when he got to the doctors he told him that it is important to wear sandla in the desert because you never know what will happen to you. If he wouldn't have choose the wrong then that wouldn't of have happen to him.
Image result for scorpion

Always do Right!

"Always do right" ~ Mark Twain

It is always important to do the right thing no matter what. There was a boy that always got bullied because he was smart. They always called him a nerd because of his intelligence he da. Then one day he got tired and fought back he punched the boys that were bullying him. What he should have done is go to and adult and let them know. He was not the only one that did bad because the boys that bullied him were the ones who started all the mess. If it wasn't for them he would have not done such a thing as that. So, always do what's right and don't complain because later you will feel good about it.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

"It's better to be alone than to be in bad company" ~ Unknown 

When you're alone you can avoid getting yourself into trouble. For example you're in the library by yourself and your friends aren't with you but they are a bad influence. Versus you with your friends which are a bad influence and get you into trouble. What you should is is to be with by yourself and avoid the trouble around you. Being alone you can study for any test or what you don't understand in school. And being with your bad friends you would be taking a risk of doing drug of doing other unnecessary behavior. 
Image result for being alone studying

"World War II"

September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945

  1. What countries fought in World War II?
  2. Where did World War II concur?
  3. Events that happened in World War II

1. World war II was fought between 2 groups of countries. On one side was the axis powers including Germany, Italy, and Japan. On the other side were the allies which included Britain, France,Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Indiana, and the soviet Unit, China, and the United States of america.2. Russia, Europe, Africa, Pacific Ocean, Asia, Middle East, Mediterranean Sea, Scandinavia, Eurasia, South East Asia, and the  Atlantic Ocean.

3.  September 3, 1939 Invasions of Poland marks begin,  July 1, 1940 Battle of Britain,  December 7, 1941 Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor and FDR declares war.


What we can do honor our Veterans is having a minute of silence to honor the dead and alive veterans that served in World War II. 

Image result for world war 2

Monday, December 5, 2016

Challenges Teens Face Today

What are challenges teens face today?
  • Depression - Every teenager will be sad at one point and will be sad
  • Bullying - A lot of teens start getting bullied
  • Sexual Activity - Many teens are diagnosed with Aids of HIV
  • Drug Use - At this age most teens use some form of drugs
  • Alcohol - Use 39% of teens drink some form of alcohol 
  • Obesity- At this age most teens begin to gain weight
  • Academic Problems - Most teens have trouble focusing in school
  • Social Media - There is always Cyberbullying on social media
A major challenge for me is having trouble concentrating in school, my phone distracts me a lot. I, sometimes turn off my phone for almost a whole day so I can concentrate in school work.

 Being a Ctr person helps because it makes you feel good about yourself and you have self-esteem. There a lots of ways to help other teens by complementing how they look. And suggest what they should do to solve their problems.
The greatest need that teens have today is having your parents listen to you and suggest what you should do next. They also have hotlines to call when you need help on something or you can go and see a therapist for help. 
Image result for challenges teens face

Thursday, December 1, 2016

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basics of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when they body is healthy and strong." ~President John F. Kennedy

 Meaning it's important to have a good health. Why, because if you don't have a good health then you will not be active that much for being lazy. Also, not being healthy can cause to different diseases. Without having a healthy diet you won't be able to think well. Without thinking well then you have no intelligence. Without intelligence then the world has lost one intelligent person. And not only can do you have to eat healthy and exercise daily. But, when someone offers you drugs or alcohol say no, no matter what type of drug use. Learn when to say no and if other friends offer you to go exercise then say yes and choose the right answer to go with. Every time they ask you to do drugs think in your mind, "Do I want to die from lung cancer?".

Image result for john f kennedy

Health Sciences Librarian
Duties And Responsibilities: Medical Librarians are an integral part of the health team. They have direct contact in patient care by helping physicians, and health professionals, and researchers to stay abreast of new developments in their specialty areas.
Salary: About $58,000 a year
Education: 4 year bachelor's degree
Demand: 3-9 percent in the next decade

Reflection: I would not want to become a medical librarian because, I am not into books I am more of a person that likes taking lead in tasks. And health science librarians don’t take the lead of the tasks they are assigned to do.

"You will go far with CTR." -Mr. Haymore This statement means that with ctr you are guaranteed to go far. If you choose to be ...