Wednesday, September 28, 2016

"Work hard, work smart, work together, and CHOOSE THE RIGHT"~ Jesus Zarate

I, myself created this quote and this quote means to always work smart always give it your best shot no matter how hard it is to accomplish your goal. Work together, if you see someone that has no partner be a ctr person and go work with him or her. Do that and it will lead you to the top of the ctr pyramid. Work hard, never give up on your dreams even though someone brings you down you will have to persevere and do more than what you can do. And last but not least choose the right because it is the right thing to do. Also, be a successful person don't be a failure.
Image result for BE SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE


"You will go far with CTR." -Mr. Haymore This statement means that with ctr you are guaranteed to go far. If you choose to be ...